Wednesday, June 20, 2007

It's spring...

When a young homeowner's heart turns to the thought of "the perfect garden."

I'm not young and I hate gardening, but I do love my live herbs. By that I mean basil, chervil, sage, thyme and dill weed. Ah, the difference between live basil and the dried stuff is like the difference between real cheddar and "processed imitation cheese food slices."

But, to do either on a rational budget you really have to grow your own plants; buying ready-grown garden plants or herbs is an invitation to go broke quick.

But, short of a private hydroponics lab , you will need to get yourself one or more greenhouses, won't you? And guess what you will find Greenhouses - "As seen on Mythbusters!"

Hey, would it be wrong of me to buy one of these with my Home Depot Master Card?

1 comment:

MOM IS NUTZ said...

Thanks for visiting my site. I love FRESH herbs, but I kill everything. My solution? My sister makes me up pots each year and they last long enough for me to use them. Then I freeze what I can! Rosemary is my favorite!


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