"Washington is failing to make progress in the global war on terror and the next 9/11-style attack is not a question of if, but when. That is the scathing conclusion of a survey of 100 leading American foreign-policy analysts.
In its first 'Terrorism Index,' released yesterday, the influential journal Foreign Policy found surprising consensus among the bipartisan experts.
Some 86 per cent of them said the world has grown more, not less, dangerous, despite President George W. Bush's claims that the U.S. is winning the war on terror."
Saturday, June 17, 2006
The Smart Money agrees with me!
"We agree that we face a Constitutional Crisis."
"I do not need to explain why I say things. That's the interesting thing about being the president. Maybe somebody needs to explain to me why they say something, but I don't feel I owe anybody an explanation," - president George W. Bush.
Sullivan uses this quote to point to a lengthy article in the New York Review of Books. Your literacy is presumed upon, but it's well worth some tired lips to read this account of George Bush's clandestine power grab with the passive complicity of a tame Congress.
There's a very clear pattern of aggressively asserting executive power, and the Congress has essentially been complicit in letting him do it. The key is that Bush has a Republican Congress; of course if it was a Clinton presidency we'd be holding hearings.Grover Norquist, a principal organizer of the conservative movement who is close to the Bush White House and usually supports its policies, says, "If you interpret the Constitution's saying that the president is commander in chief to mean that the president can do anything he wants and can ignore the laws you don't have a constitution: you have a king." He adds, "They're not trying to change the law; they're saying that they're above the law and in the case of the NSA wiretaps they break it." A few members of Congress recognize the implications of what Bush is doing and are willing to speak openly about it. Dianne Feinstein, Democratic senator from California, talks of a "very broad effort" being made "to increase the power of the executive." Chuck Hagel, Republican senator from Nebraska, says:
Further down, there's this:
In late February, shortly after Bush's signing statement on the McCain amendment, the Constitution Project, a bipartisan, nonprofit organization in Washington, issued a protest signed by former government officials of both parties, prominent conservatives, and scholars, saying that they "are deeply concerned about the risk of permanent and unchecked presidential power, and the accompanying failure of Congress to exercise its responsibility as a separate and independent branch of government." They objected to Bush's assertions that he "may not be bound" by statutes enacted by Congress, such as the McCain amendment, and that he can ignore "long-standing treaty commitments and statutes that prohibit the torture of prisoners." It concluded that "we agree that we face a constitutional crisis."[2]
Those of us with bluish blood and liberal educations (that is to say, the traditional liberal-arts values which are quite apart from political philosophy) have an reflexive horror which those of us that toil among the Common People must learn to suppress. I throw in a "fuck" now and again to establish my intellectual punk creds.
But there is a point to speaking with both technical precision and with a deliberate lack of passion about such a grave matter. You see, to translate that into terms the politically apathetic and those of average education may understand, the phrase would be something along the line of "The British Are Coming; The British Are Coming!"
A constitutional Crisis is, in political terms, something like the term "broken arrow" in national security terms.
A Constitutional Crisis is a huge big fat fucking deal. The whole point to the constitution is to prevent anyone from doing precisely the things that El Presidente has done.
Declare war illegally, spy on citizens, detain persons without trial, ignore the laws passed by Congress as directed by the people - these are all things that are constitutionally forbidden, and for damned good reasons. One very significant reason for that is the security of the people - which our founders thought far more important than security of the people who consider themselves to be the government.
Nor were the founders particularly concerned about nebulous threats, or even naked ones. "The Tree Of Liberty must from time to time be Refreshed with the Blood of Patriots."
National Security is YOUR job, and MY job. The job of the Government (and at this point, the Founders were thinking of Militias, not armies) is to send out a holler for help, and you and me are supposed to grab our muskets and come a-runnin'.
Seeing that thee and me are likely to be raucously pissed should we have to go out and be shot at for trivial reasons, much less reasons of personal political advantage, the government was expected to conduct it's foreign and domestic affairs in such a manner as to prevent large numbers of us from picking sides and exchanging volleys.
With one notable exception, that philosophy has worked, although it may be argued - and I'm one starting to think it should be argued - that despite all it's flaws and all the evils of slavery and bigotry that existed within it, the Confederacy should have won.
Confederates were a lot picker about their rights and freedoms - perhaps due to having so many examples of what the lack of it was like.
But of course, all of history is "Pre 9/11," as if we had somehow had a magical immunity to the reality of human nature before.
Now, "national security," you say "means we must give up a few rights and privacies."
There is only one proper response to that, in constitutional terms.
In frontier terms, in terms that anyone familiar with John Ford Westerns and Star Wars, the answer is more succinct:
Because anyone who is unwilling to individually defend their liberty and the liberty of their neighbors, their children, their town and it's widows and orphans is damn well unworthy to breath the same air free men do. They are either a gutless coward or an outlaw, and a bullet is a proper cure for either condition.
Now, the odds of you, personally being affected by even the most profound, destructive and deadly act of terror - short of the stupidest imaginable bioterrorism - are on the order of being struck by lighting - in your left foot.
But the odds of you being harmed, disadvantaged, annoyed, presumed upon, bothered, discriminated against or even rounded up and put into a detention camp are far greater. The odds vary for each possibility, but for some of us, the possibility of being "gitmoized" or just "disappeared" in the Poyndexterean sense is significant enough for us to consider taking out additional coverage, with both Lloyd's of London and Smith and Wesson.
Consider one thing: Terrorists are not interested in killing a huge number of people. They are interested in killing enough people to terrify a huge number of people. Dead people affect no policies and do not vote.
On the other hand. You can vote. Perhaps you did vote.
Are you satisfied with the results?
Thursday, June 15, 2006
The Marching Morons and other hilarities.
Apparently Tom DeLay is under the DeLusion that Stephen Colbert is an actual conservative who actively supports him and his cronies. The moronity that American voters manage to elect into office never ceases to amaze."
Strangerina is pointing to an hilarious Think Progress article where they reveal that defenddelay.com is citing STEVEN COLBERT as a staunch defender.
The comments are priceless.
And meanwhile, the Right is seriously confused. Even fairly sensible people on the Right seem to be confused.
Irony. It's a terrible, terrible weapon to use on the unsuspecting. It is the WMD of comedy. It's horribly, hidiously unfair. When properly employed, the victims of the deadpan humorist are like baby ducks being led into a blender.Is Stephen Colbert a Liberal or a Conservative?Posted by Gordon SmithDuring breaks in the graduation ceremony today, I chatted with Congresswoman Tammy Baldwin about all sorts of things. It turns out that she's a fan of Stephen Colbert, too. She asked whether I thought he was, at heart, a liberal or conservative. (Apparently, this is a matter of dispute among members of Congress.) I told her that I assumed he was a liberal, but she said that the congressman who claims to know Colbert best is convinced that he is a conservative.
Hmm. Interesting.
That's what makes it so much fun!
In other news, early hints of a private-enterprise funded Venus colony are being circulated. George Soros mentioned as possible large contributor to R&D efforts for Venutian habitats.
tag: steven colbert, irony, tom delay, funny, unintentional irony, bush cronies, comedy central, satire
Monday, June 12, 2006
The Moderate Voice - George Bush Sr. Tried To Get Rumsfeld Fired
Sidney Blumenthal writes in Salon:
Read the responses: the sickly stench of bathtub-fermented Kool-Aid is upon their breath.
Former President George H.W. Bush waged a secret campaign over several months early this year to remove Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld. The elder Bush went so far as to recruit Rumsfeld's potential replacement, personally asking a retired four-star general if he would accept the position, a reliable source close to the general told me. But the former president's effort failed, apparently rebuffed by the current president. When seven retired generals who had been commanders in Iraq demanded Rumsfeld's resignation in April, the younger Bush leapt to his defense. "I'm the decider and I decide what's best. And what's best is for Don Rumsfeld to remain," he said. His endorsement of Rumsfeld was a rebuke not only to the generals but also to his father.
Capitol Hill Blue: Reid asks bloggers to become "force" for Democrats
Senate Democratic Leader Harry Reid made a pitch Saturday to enlist bloggers as a Democratic force in upcoming elections, and said he'll ask Congress for stiffer reporting requirements for the president and the intelligence community.
"I know fighters when I see them. You're fighters," Reid said as he began a warmly received keynote speech to the YearlyKos Convention of Internet bloggers at a Las Vegas Strip resort.
You first.
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Say what you want about Colbert, he’s a LOT more popular than DeLay, with liberals, conservatives and all other reality based organic lifeforms.
Comment by Larry Epke — May 25, 2006 @ 8:55 am
Reminds me of when Christianists were quoting an Onion article in order to prove that Harry Potter was demonic and was corrupting children left & right….(no pun intended)
Comment by richrath — May 25, 2006 @ 8:17 am
I totally missed that one. How hilarious! Apparently the news that is was a spoof didn’t make it to some desperate housewife in my school district who has never read any of the books, but says they will influence children to practice witchcraft and is trying to get them pulled from the school libraries. Even here in the rural and red South she is considered a crackpot with most people.
Comment by unbelievable — May 25, 2006 @ 8:59 am
By the way I tried to email the person under contacts for the delay defense fund and got a permanent dead link. Apparently they really don’t want any feed back. Go figure
Comment by Blue Texan — May 25, 2006 @ 9:10 am
Colbert savages the Republican right with the weapon that the Democrats are afraid to use….. because it is a two edged sword…. bold truthfulness.
The country is longing for a government that is not unintentionally ironic.
Comment by kali — May 25, 2006 @ 9:31 am
Watching “The Colbert Report” just got even funnier knowing that many 29%’ers believe he’s conservative no matter what they have heard or seen………and they say the hardest substance in the world is diamond? I think not.
Comment by just a bill — May 25, 2006 @ 9:38 am
Here’s what I think we oughta do…
I agree with the idea that it doesn’t really matter if Colbert is being sarcastic/ironic…I mean, we know he is, but the Neocons will hear what they want to hear…they see him as the Conservative response to the Daily Show….
Having said that, it is a good ole time watching Cons making asses of themselves…so I say we let ‘em twist for a while….hopefully the Conservative groups will continue to reference Colbert…
Then we let them in on the joke in the late summer, just before elections…we can point and laugh…and perhaps in the process get some of ‘em to question the other crap this administration has been spoon feeding them…we could even bring in that if the conservatives morons had gotten a proper Non-Republican education, they’d have been able to identify “satire.”
Good Lord, what dufuses…or is it dufi? I can never remember…
Comment by TJG — May 25, 2006 @ 9:46 am