Wednesday, August 21, 2019

The Abomination of Desolation

Trending Today on Twitter: #Antichrist

Oh, yes, the different factions are taking this very differently, but one side is fucknuts. The side that calls Trump their GodEmperor. That's fucknuts.

Speaking of fucknuts, The CheeToad said something about buying Greenland from Denmark. Now, maybe that was something that passed for a joke in his plaque-clogged brain, but he's a world leader and people have to take you at face value, even when you are a joke.

Saturday, May 11, 2019

Pretending I'm Busy.

Ugh. Today is hard. I have managed one sentence. The day is still young and the tab remains open, but Twitter has been my escape.

But it's been aggravating too.

Heartbeat bills and other explosions of transphobic, misogynist white supremacy have me wanting to fling things.

And no, I do not need to consider the perspective of tiki-torch wielding Nazis. The proper response to that perspective is a neat hole between the eyes, or a bayonet if you are out of ammo. In the style of our fathers and grandfathers, don't you know.

This is well-settled wisdom. As is the proper fate of the Confederacy and the place of KKKlansmen in the social pecking order.

See also snake-shit, lower than.

I felt compelled to create a graphictruth. It felt good. It's been a while.

But mostly I sipped my coffee in the tub and tried to focus. Well, mostly I focused on not dropping my phone into the tub. It's been that kind of a day. Time to let other people do my fighting and fussing for me.

Stupid people. We are drowning in stupid people! See above.

Marie is one of my fave Tweeps; she makes me evilgiggle at least once a day. Or facepalm. So much "why didn't I say that" going on here.

Marie is Wicked Smaht. This thread. This thread right here!! She's all up in my wheelhouse, thinking out loud about ethics and shit!

It was a bright spot in an otherwise shit day.

But at least some people are using their indoor voices to say sensible things. That matters when you have a great big bully pulpit; using it surgically.

Jeniffer Rubin on walking and chewing gum at the same time.

There is another benefit for Democrats in pursuing a full-court press on both substance and scandal: the Senate. As House bills pile up outside the Senate chamber (because Sen. Mitch McConnell won’t bring them up for votes), the GOP-controlled Senate refuses even to investigate obvious wrongdoing and Republican senators make fools of themselves slobbering over Trump and his Cabinet officials (as they did with Barr), the portrait of craven, spineless enablers becomes more vivid. They won’t pass bills. They won’t do real oversight. They won’t insist on truth-telling from witnesses. The more reasons they give voters to oppose sycophantic senators, the more likely a flip in control of the Senate becomes.
This. So much this.

Ok, Maybe I can get back to work now.

Monday, May 06, 2019

Working on my working on

It's difficult to get back into writing. I am starting to rediscover the discipline I had when I was churning out words between tweets and Reddit nastygrams.

Nearly dying has a way of concentrating the mind - if it doesn't simply reset the damn thing.

That's what it was for me; a hard reset. Two years passed as I focused on regaining my brain and the thing my wife considered more important - not dying.

I have been reliably informed that will be a life-long challenge.

I am reassured and terrified that my fearsome intelligence matters not a whit to her. Well, maybe a bare whit. But I was nearly whitless and she didn't seem to care. I love her a bunch more than all the way to the top, now.

Now that I've got my sense back, I've been rummaging through what I'd managed to write before that and some of it can manage to stand alone. I've sent some of that over to Wattpad. I'm just getting my name out, experimenting and trying to read the room without getting my ego crushed; I'm not really worrying about money, but I'd really love feedback.

Be gentle, I'm really out of practice.

If I start worrying about money, all my piles are gonna fall over. Again.

The thing that I wasn't doing before my heart attack was publicity of any kind at all. I think maybe three people knew I was writing anything. I'm not sure how many knew it was adult fiction. As in, fiction intended for grownups.

I don't like saying it's erotic, although it is, in spots. I think.

It's not porn, either, although there are spots that are damn well intended to be pornographic. Outside of those specific chapters and scenes, my characters tend to say "fuck" an awful lot, or words to that effect. The net result is that I have to keep my work away from Mormons, Baptists and Mike Pence.

But with some exceptions, my work isn't really about the kinks my characters have. Kinks are just part of what makes the characters. I don't write around the grownup things grownups do, I think that's kind of toxic. I don't go out of my way to set up cameras in their boudoirs, either. What I try to avoid is the sort of writing that's completely focused on the reader's fixations.

I know that my work will get tossed in the same bin with the foot fetishists, the buttsex folks and of course, my favourite - femsubs. It's probably going to annoy people who are simply looking for a posh wank. I'm sorry, there's nothing wrong with that, but I'm not going to write it.

I am pleased that people will have a bin to find it in! Maybe they might enjoy something that's a bit more than a three-orgasm pander. And at the same time I hope that I can write something that contains three worthwhile orgasms!

Sex scenes are hard! It's easier to write space battles!

My writing is about ethics; mostly personal ethics. Sexual ethics are pretty important in this #metoo world; far more than I ever realized. I have enjoyed the male privilege that led to a life that was mostly free of unsolicited gropes and dick picks. But it was only mostly free. Yep, #metoo.

Nonetheless, we don't want to become grim, joyless and unlaid. At least, not those of us that are on skin terms with decency. That's how the next generation of decent people come to be, and trust me, they struggle in a home filled with perps, perves and pearl-clutching prudes. I hope I can encourage people to avoid being any of those things. Will Sex Sell Ethics? Buy my books and see!

Here's the forward from Alicia's Long Weekend, which is all about Alicia's very odd and interesting kinks.

All my characters have kinks. That's how I learn who they are and to a large extent what they will and will not do.
The more important they are to the story, the more I have to know about them. As I write I find myself deep into large chunks that I know will have to be cut; pages becoming paragraphs.  
This is the largest so far. At nearly 19,000 words, I cannot possibly leave it in and it's far too much character development for a supporting character. I am fond of her,  but not so fond that she can take over the story! And now I sense that would actually horrify her.
That does sound a little mad, doesn't it?
I often argue with my characters and lose. For instance, I thought there were much better things to be doing than to write "The Harlequin Box." It was originally a short diversion for another novel entirely. It was intended to be a short story - something like "A Deserving Victim."
The original novel is sitting on a virtual shelf now. I lost that argument and a certain flat-chested redhead has been on a mission ever since. Winning has a price, I remind her with a virtual towel-snap when her interest flags.
In other words – yes, there will be more.
Eventually, I will invite you to read the entire story.
Gawd. Don't YOU start!

Thursday, May 02, 2019


SPLOOSH is an erotic story I'm publishing on Wattpad. It's episodic and with the help of you and the Wattpad community, I hope to polish it until it gleams. 

It's set in Twin Trees; The City Within the Wall. It's a setting and cast of characters I'm very familiar with.

If you enjoy erotic stories and worldbuilding that involves elves, shapeshifting and slave-culture, you will likely enjoy this. 

Blog Revival: 2013 was a long time ago!


I don't recall much about that time. Obama was President and all was right with the world. And if not really all, more than had ever been the case.

I remember; I was concentrating on writing a still-incomplete novel. And now that I have a couple complete chunks published on the social-writing platform Wattpad, it seems to be time to revive my blog, rather than starting an entirely new one.

I am Bob King, AKA Graphictruth on Twitter and Reddit, as well as the erotic writer, @BobKingNine. This is my blog. The URL has changed because I flaked. That happens, given my brain.

Other things in the meantime; a heart attack that failed to kill me and the gradual return of my IQ after that. Classic Flowers for Algernon stuff.

@Graphictruth is mostly concerned with politics, as is /u/graphictruth.

Oh, right, I remember why I stopped writing here. Redditors can be pissy about dropping links to blogs, especially your own, and it occurred to me that I could easily get higher reader counts writing there than here, anyway. And People were Mean To Me. Which, as much as I depreciate it, matters.

But now, I'd rather keep my own copyrights to myself. I'll announce new things here.

Reddit's tolerance for racism and other sorts of bigotry have become an easily avoided embarrassment by shifting back here and adding Twitter to my social media portfolio along with Wattpad, where I can discuss the specifics of my writing without making this an adult blog. I don't want to be ghettoized again; I've permitted that too much in my life.

We need to scare those horses, they have been crapping all over the public square.

Wednesday, May 01, 2019

Guns don't kill people ... But when people choose to kill people, the best choice is a gun!

Before you read further or anything else anyone else is saying about this topic, realize that talking about it at all is a new thing and it's a very good thing. Violence of all forms has been dropping. Not just in the US; worldwide.*

Sudden, organized violence and mass invasions by smelly strangers wishing to do us harm is something that most people, in most places no longer need prepare for.

In the United States, when the Second Amendment was written**, it was very much a fact of life and had been a fact of life for as long as history had been recorded. It was also a very important step - an affirmation that citizen-individuals did not simply have to put up with being caught in the middle of the board when the Sport of Kings was being played. And as a result of that and many other small awakenings and progress, things are much, much better in the blink of a historian's eye.

It's as if we are slowly awakening from a  horrible nightmare and now having to confront the vomit and mess that points to some horrifying binge. But in many ways, that's the hard part. Bear that in mind as you read.

I have been waiting for someone to address the elephant in the room - and no, I don't actually mean "Republicans." They aren't helping much, but neither are the Democrats; in fact, the argument they are having is serving as a smokescreen for the issues that are not being talked about at all.

That is because the current gun-control debate to the south of us is focusing on everything but the actual issues.

The discussion is circling around HOW people kill one another. The real question should be WHY they are killing each other. Instead, people simply shrug and dismiss them as "crazy," "deranged," perhaps "unhinged."

Well, no doubt, but if you stop to think of it, that's not much of an answer either.  WHY did they snap? For that matter, why doesn't it happen more often? Because, well, see the first paragraph.

While violence has become a more and more remote likelihood in our lives, our culture insists that it's a very real, common thing that we must all gird our loins to face. Our culture is in denial about a very GOOD thing - and that's kind of strange when you think about it. One usually thinks of denial in regard to bad things - STD's, Alcoholism, pollution, etc. We can all mostly expect to die in bed at an advanced age and that that is true even of many who are well below the poverty line. That is a very good thing.

It goes completely unremarked. And as if to compensate, the hysteria surrounding any given incident of violence seems to have been kicked up a notch or seven. There are other oddities that cause me to wonder aloud if there is a huge fraction of the population who simply cannot cope with a self-concept that doesn't include a large aspect of controlled violence with the associated need to prove that capability in war or by looking for trouble in dark alleys.

I wonder because there are many obvious and inexpensive ways to reduce violence on every scale, but if you suggest them aloud, it's met with derision and reflexive outrage, even though these are strategies that are proven to work and indeed HAVE worked to reduce violence to the levels we now enjoy.

It's simply not done to consider the motives of a violent criminal in the United States, and to a lesser but large extent, Canada.

Considering it at all brands you as a "liberal," even when the motive is critical to preventing future incidents. It won't win you any popularity contests to suggest aloud that while this particular so-and-so might well "deserve" to be hung by his toes over a slow fire, it might possibly behoove us all to consider the making of such monsters so there might be less of a need for firewood.

And so the circle of abuse continues, because while there are simple things that can be done if a nation is willing to do them and ample evidence that they work well, statistically, the evidence is angrily dismissed or studiously ignored.

You see, you might think that Canada is gun-averse. Nope. We are averse to stress, and noise and rude people; we dislike horrifying surprises, we maintain a culture that suppresses people who advocate and celebrate violence and intolerance by custom and design. But when it comes to guns... we have lots of them, we celebrate them, we have a lot of fun with them, some of us practically fellate them.. .and by and large, it's not an issue.

It's about as difficult to maintain your ownership of a gun as it is to maintain your ownership of a car. I don't think they require separate liability so on the whole, if you can afford a cheap car, you can afford a damn nifty weapon. All for the price of being willing to swear and affirm that you aren't any more likely to kill someone than you are with that legally parked second-hand pickup.

By and large, it works. By and large, our gun violence arises from illegal weapons. That is rather handy when prosecuting offenders - it adds a gigantic pile of consequence. But at the same time, our laws are not so very difficult to comply with, our cultures not so very different, our police are hardly omnipresent - so I for one would expect rather more violence than there is if gun control were the only factor in play. There's more to it than access to weapons.

People who WANT to kill people are the people who kill people. 

THAT'S what you need to address because there is no shortage of pressure cookers. 

In that sense, gun advocacy people are right - first, if people can't get guns legally, they will get them illegally. Or they will just make guns. Which, you may be surprised to know, mostly isn't illegal at all and all too soon with emerging technology will be something any idiot can do in their home fabrication shop.

Gun control laws discourage those who have a passing impulse and that is a very good thing; it achieves a huge drop in unplanned, impulsive misuses of guns. It does nothing about those who really, really REALLY want to kill one or more people and the common wisdom is that you really can't. But that's true of any crime and from a social point of view, as long as you keep the isolated incidents isolated, it's only an individual tragedy.

Any idiot can make a bomb and if they can follow the sort of directions needed to assemble an Ikea table, they probably won't blow themselves up in the process. Poison never ceased to work and it's commonly available. A garrotte is both efficient and easily disposable. If you are not squeamish, a pocket-knife will certainly do the trick.

So this bears thinking upon, for as badly sabotaged and generally useless as US Gun Control has been made at the behest of the National Rifle Association and the members of it, it seems that the small barriers of access, money and time are enough to keep the rioters out of the streets.

With guns so easily available, people haven't thought much about what they might have if they were to throw caution and regard for the law to the wind. If you can build a bomb - you can build a mortar. If you can weld, you can build a really GOOD mortar!

I'm not going to go into detail, but even rocket science isn't rocket science these days.

Law or no law, those barriers will vanish - and indeed, they were mostly non-extant anyway. For those who are not fixated upon the symbolism of gun ownership - which seems to be both sides - it's pretty much beside the point.

People kill people. Guns are used to kill particular people because that's usually the best tool for the job. If you have a sudden impulse to kill;  the sort of fit of anger that might otherwise result in a fist-fight and a shameful appearance before a justice of the peace after a night in county lockup - you really do not want to have a loaded weapon in easy reach. This is - or should be - plain common sense. While almost everyone thinks they are perfectly capable of controlling themselves, and almost everyone is mostly correct on that point it ain't predictably true for anyone. Trust me on that point.

But of course the worst and most troubling statistics are not crimes of passion, nor are they even the tragic accidental shootings. No. It's suicides. 

If people try to kill themselves with means other than a gun, they mostly fail. Given a gun, they mostly succeed. While you may shrug and consider that their inalienable right to choose - a right I would argue in favour of, in extremis - I still think it should be something one should ponder a bit. Particularly given the fact that some poor bastard has to clean up the mess.

*Leaded gas linked to rise and fall of violence in the 20th Century.
**They were concerned with slave insurrections for the most part. 


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