Saturday, August 26, 2006

Sen. George Allen - Stupider than the average racist.

The Moderate Voice - McGavick And Allen: A Contrast In Troubled Candidacies

Whether this has anything to do with the timing or not, Allen's publicized apology only came AFTER polls showed his campaign had suffered a major hit due to publicity after You Tube gave his utterances a bit more publicity that he would have wished:
Sidarth said Allen told him that the apology was "from his heart."

"His main point was he was sorry he offended me," Sidarth, a fourth-year University of Virginia student, said in an interview later. "He realized how much he offended me from the comments I made in the media."

The call followed a series of public mea culpas , including one heard across the country Tuesday on a conservative radio talk show hosted by commentator Sean Hannity.

"I take full responsibility. I'm not offering any excuses because I said it, and no one else said it," a somber-sounding Allen told Hannity's audience of more than 12 million listeners. "It's a mistake. I apologize, and from my heart, I'm very, very sorry for it."
P.S. to Allen: Sean Hannity is not the epitome of a challenging talk show host for a conservative.

Sean Hannity is to tough questioning for conservatives and Republicans what CNN's Larry King is to tough questioning for anybody.
Sean Hannidy is not exactly the venue I would pick to get an honest apology out to those I might have directly offended, either. I would bet that the most significant fraction of "brown" folks are those recovering from bad tanning bed experiences.

I see the whole Allan thing, from initial act to eventual "apology" as beeing deeply revealing of his charactor, and of the charactor of those who know him well and support him regardless. It's exactly how bullies and their "posses" behave. Allen is concerned that he's offended swing voters. I'm pretty sure that's not his biggest loss.

I have old and deep ties to the Commonwealth and I know there are lots of good, decent, pretty darn Conservative Christan white folks in Virgnia who would deeply resent the presumption that they would approve of such behavior because they were not brown, possibly non-Christian Democrats, if for no better reason than there are some things that are simply unforgivably gauche to bring up in public!

Aside from any debate that might arise about the racial "nuances" within the complex racial landscape that is Virginia it's hard to dismiss this as evidence something far more important - a degree of superficialism that amounts to bone-deep stupidity. "Him brown, Me not. I better! HA ha!"

Folksy affability is ok, and it's wise to not be conspiciously color-blind when one's constituancy may have a high proportion of racists. I mean, you don't get to pick your constituants, it's the other way around.

But in this case, Allan revealed himself to be exactly as small and three times as stupid as his shrillist, most partisan critics had alleged.


"Katherine Harris Crazy" is going to be joined in the new lexicon of politics by "George Allen Stupid."

In demonstrating just how stupidly and thoughtlessly racist he is, he's proabably alienated a fair number of actual racists, who think of themselves as being quite intelligent, with compelling and intellectually persuasive views.

And he wasn't even drunk at the time!

It's hard not to think that this says volumes about the judgement of those touting this man as the "Great White Hope" for the Republican party in the '08 elections, leading one to question the judgement of the RNC as a whole.

I did already, of course - but now I'm talking about "one who is a registered Republican."

Meanwhile, I'm betting that hair dye and spray tans are gonna be even more popular over the next few months.

UPDATE:George Allen's Race Problem isn't his only problem.

George Allen is the oldest child of legendary football coach George Herbert Allen, and, when his father was on the road, young George often acted as a surrogate dad to his siblings. According to his sister Jennifer, he was particularly strict about bedtimes. One night, his brother Bruce stayed up past his bedtime. George threw him through a sliding glass door. For the same offense, on a different occasion, George tackled his brother Gregory and broke his collarbone. When Jennifer broke her bedtime curfew, George dragged her upstairs by her hair.

George tormented Jennifer enough that, when she grew up, she wrote a memoir of what it was like living in the Allen family. In one sense, the book, Fifth Quarter, from which these details are culled, is unprecedented. No modern presidential candidate has ever had such a harsh and personal account of his life delivered to the public by a close family member. The book paints Allen as a cartoonishly sadistic older brother who holds Jennifer by her feet over Niagara Falls on a family trip (instilling in her a lifelong fear of heights) and slams a pool cue into her new boyfriend’s head. “George hoped someday to become a dentist,” she writes. “George said he saw dentistry as a perfect profession—getting paid to make people suffer.”

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Friday, August 25, 2006

NYTimes blows repugnant October Surprise

Some in G.O.P. Say Iran Threat Is Played Down - New York Times

I'm having one of those days today, so thoughtful interpretation is just too damn much work. Besides, it doesn't take much thought to figure this one out: the Evil Liberal New York Times is Committing Treason by calling attention to Republican Attempts to lie us into invading Iran.

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Thursday, August 24, 2006

Lt.Watada's court-martial may face Bush to prove war is constitutional and legal.

Thank You Lt. Ehren Watada - Home: via Randi Rhodes

Watada hearing succeeds in placing war on trial

Image Aug. 18 news: Sides stake claims to law, The Olympian; Hearing puts war on trial, Seattle Post-Intelligencer; Putting the war on trial, Time/CNN; Watada expresses no regrets, Star-Bulletin/AP; Friends and Family of Lt. Watada media advisory below.

(Ft. Lewis, WA) – Yesterday, the defense for Lt. Watada has succeeded in placing the war in Iraq on trial.

“We appreciated the opportunity to lay the groundwork to prove that the war in Iraq is illegal and that Lt. Watada, coming to this conclusion after much research, was duty bound to refuse to participate,” Eric Seitz, civilian counsel for Lt. Watada said. “This case is really about the duty of individual soldiers to look at the facts and fulfill their obligation to national and international law,” he said.


I'll expand on this later, but I need to get the keywords out today.

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Sunday, August 20, 2006

I dare ya to wear this to a NASCAR event.


grotesque olympics ad
Originally uploaded by .marte.

In response to that closet frenchman, Jesus's General! With a cowardly sneak attack, he has attempted to win the Image Wars without actually entering it!


Jesus's General Provides Pretext for Image Warz!

Jesus' General

JG is well noted for his infammatory rhetoric, but this time, he has Gone Too Far, in exposing the Dark Heart of Nascar.

It was otherwise a reasonable post, giving the JG blessing to Ron Boehme, GOP canditate for the Washington House of Representatives.

Candidate claims America deserves punishment

Published: August 16th, 2006 01:00 AM
Ron Boehme, a candidate for House Position 2 in the 26th Legislative District, wrote on his organization’s Web site, “I am a prophet,” and claimed that God audibly talks to him. He then went on to say that “America is a wicked nation that deserves to be punished.”

I am very uncomfortable with any politician who claims to speak for God, especially one who wants to see America get, as Boehme says, “a severe spanking.”

I am a Bible-believing Christian and on Sept. 19, my primary vote is going to Trent England. He is also a Christian and has experience in legal and policy analysis. He will work to serve the people and has a hopeful view of our future.

It's a great day when a man with the same credentials as our God-Fearing, blessed President has become emboldened enough to claim the mantle of Prophecy as impetus to run for office! Surely our President's example of Just Christian Dominion and the blessings that have showered from heaven upon the heads of our people, both here and in Iraq are evidence enough of the favor of Divine Providence in this regard.

But back to the main point; the despicable perfidity of Jesus's General! There must be an answer to this apalling insult to the sensibilites of patriotic non-frenchmen!

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Black Ribbon on Black

Black Ribbon on Black

Black Ribbon on Black
Black Ribbon on Black, originally uploaded by Graphictruth.

In support of the flickr-basedblack ribbon campaign and the Mondo Uno blog.

I offer a white background too.

Why? To remind me of the importance of doing something postive and construcive every day. To remind me that to end war, there needs to be a common basis for peace, and there is nothing more common to humanity that the love we have for our children.

Use this image as you wish, with attribution, including commercial use and sale.

It will very soon appear on zazzle at* and on cafepress at

The idea is to get this idea out into the world, and my best medium is the t-shirt. It's a great feeling to see a bull republican do a triple-take in the supermarket, I can tell you. I think this may be as powerful as my Chickenhawk tee.

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"Imperfect" ?

Originally uploaded by Bum Fluff.

I like to feature the Graphic Truths others make available when I can; I am first and foremost a visual thinker, and this daring image is as subtly provocotive as anything I have seen.

On first blush, it seems to be a perfectly ordinary nude torso, cropped in a way as to evade censorious response. Indeed, it's very nearly a cliche'; the sort of image that is in every photographer's art-school portfolio.

But, cliche's are called that because they work. We are drawn into the image and find to our astonishment that this ample and commonplace landscape of flesh has... stretch marks!

And they are quite beautiful. One can easily imagine their texture, a tactile map of shared history, or evidence of what has come before.

We become aware that beuty exists within all, in every context - or at least it can, have we the courage to show it, and convince those who do not yet know enough to believe.


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