Saturday, May 11, 2019

Pretending I'm Busy.

Ugh. Today is hard. I have managed one sentence. The day is still young and the tab remains open, but Twitter has been my escape.

But it's been aggravating too.

Heartbeat bills and other explosions of transphobic, misogynist white supremacy have me wanting to fling things.

And no, I do not need to consider the perspective of tiki-torch wielding Nazis. The proper response to that perspective is a neat hole between the eyes, or a bayonet if you are out of ammo. In the style of our fathers and grandfathers, don't you know.

This is well-settled wisdom. As is the proper fate of the Confederacy and the place of KKKlansmen in the social pecking order.

See also snake-shit, lower than.

I felt compelled to create a graphictruth. It felt good. It's been a while.

But mostly I sipped my coffee in the tub and tried to focus. Well, mostly I focused on not dropping my phone into the tub. It's been that kind of a day. Time to let other people do my fighting and fussing for me.

Stupid people. We are drowning in stupid people! See above.

Marie is one of my fave Tweeps; she makes me evilgiggle at least once a day. Or facepalm. So much "why didn't I say that" going on here.

Marie is Wicked Smaht. This thread. This thread right here!! She's all up in my wheelhouse, thinking out loud about ethics and shit!

It was a bright spot in an otherwise shit day.

But at least some people are using their indoor voices to say sensible things. That matters when you have a great big bully pulpit; using it surgically.

Jeniffer Rubin on walking and chewing gum at the same time.

There is another benefit for Democrats in pursuing a full-court press on both substance and scandal: the Senate. As House bills pile up outside the Senate chamber (because Sen. Mitch McConnell won’t bring them up for votes), the GOP-controlled Senate refuses even to investigate obvious wrongdoing and Republican senators make fools of themselves slobbering over Trump and his Cabinet officials (as they did with Barr), the portrait of craven, spineless enablers becomes more vivid. They won’t pass bills. They won’t do real oversight. They won’t insist on truth-telling from witnesses. The more reasons they give voters to oppose sycophantic senators, the more likely a flip in control of the Senate becomes.
This. So much this.

Ok, Maybe I can get back to work now.

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